I was going to spend this morning editing my old posts but had this vision of God crying.
I suddenly had this nagging feeling to draw a comic of why God had given us freedom of choice even if He had all the power in the universe to create beings whose sole purpose is to love him and worship him.
See, Our freedom of will is a gift of sanity.
Insanity exists when there is complete deprivation of intelligence — an absence of the power to discern.
The freedom of choice is our ability to discern between two things and to choose one over the other. If there is no choice, then it is not true love. By giving us the freedom to choose to love Him or not, God is risking to lose those of us who have weaker faith in Him. But He wouldn’t have it any other way because He would want us to choose to love Him in spite and despite it all because that is what genuine love is.

Theology drives a lot of people bonkers, even scientists. I already believe in my heart that the things I’m going to say are going to be contradictory and all too confusing.
As with everything involving the “spiritual” realm, there will be skeptics, there will be naysayers, and there will be the unbelievers.
But choosing to believe — that is the freedom of choice you were given.
I choose to believe.
I will try my darnest to put out into the world what I think, what I feel, and why I believe this is so.
Because I love God and I will defend my faith with all that I’ve got — even if it is with my goofy sketches.
So why did God breathed freedom of will into us?
Why did God, who is sovereign and beyond the confines of time and space, had to create mortals who are in His image and likeness, and yet so far from his heart?
And I want to start by looking at the beginning.. the book that started it all: Genesis.
Everybody knows the story.
God proceeded to make heaven and earth and everything into existence. And I want you to take notice of that one phrase that is repeated after every creation that He makes.
“And God saw that it was good.”
I truly believe that every time God created something, He is pleased not only with what He had created, but He is pleased with Himself.
He was happy! He wanted to share His happiness!
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created mankind in his own image,
Genesis 1:26-27
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

I believe that God is so happy with Himself, that He wanted to create human beings that are soooo much like Him so that they too could see how wonderful His creations are and how powerful and majestic He is.

How could true love and praise come from a bunch of mindless beings?
Just like a trophy that can be bought from a store, it means nothing until it is earned.
Love is earned.
It cannot be forced, even by God.
Well, technically, God can do all things, even force love. But he chose not to because He knows that the greatest love comes from a heart that is willing.
Just like how light could not exist if darkness did not, God created us with freedom of will at the risk of allowing us to choose to turn away from him.

And wow….the world is beautiful.
And the universe is mysterious…but beautiful.
And life is complex….but beautiful.
We are made to enjoy and relish in everything that He made for His glory.
But most often than not, we do not choose Him.

He, the creator of all the good things.
He, the one who wanted so much to celebrate the good life with you.
He, the one who loves you above all things.
He had you in His thoughts when He created you.

Will you choose to celebrate the life He has given you with Him?
Will you choose to honor and glorify Him for all the beautiful things that He has made?
Everything on this earth and beyond the universe…
Everything that you are in awe of…
Everything that He had so carefully planned and wonderfully created to reveal His majesty…
Will you honor Him?
He who deserves all the glory for all the wonders of life and the universe?
Because even if you are just one soul…

… just one person to celebrate and worship Him for what He has done…
..it is enough for Him.
His glory is magnified in your praise for Him.
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And you who chose Him above all else, the Lord has you in mind and will not abandon you.
For you are His treasure and He finds His pleasure in knowing that you choose to belong to Him forever.
I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
Proverbs 8:17
You see, as humans, we often think of our life’s purpose as something that would revolve around our happiness.
But through the years, I learned that this life, the one we’ve been commanded to experience, is not about us, but about His purpose for us.
When you look — whether we would glorify Him with the life we have been granted or not — and every day is a chance to choose.
I pray that you choose Him everyday.